"Monetary policy is the key to financial stabilization of Ukraine."
Symbol of Economic Change Mr. Gaidar did not achieve financial stabilization.
"It is hard to conduct financial stabilization if you start with questions about what the new minister thinks about it," Mr. Shokhin said.
After the 2001 season, two teams, the Miami Fusion and the Tampa Bay Mutiny were contracted, which helped lead to the financial stabilization of the league.
But he speaks of the need for financial stabilization in sophisticated terms, and he stresses his relationship with Western bankers.
Following the regional financial crisis in 1998, Moldova has made significant progress towards achieving and retaining macroeconomic and financial stabilization.
More important, if you look beyond the question of short-term financial stabilization you have to wonder where all this is supposed to be leading.
The administration said companies could also use their foreign profits to pay for corporate acquisitions, redeem old debt and spend on the general purpose of "financial stabilization."
The law itself was quite broad, explicitly allowing companies to allocate their money for "financial stabilization," corporate acquisitions and research and development.
Today, financial stabilization is possible only if progress is made on institutional changes like privatization, demonopolization, land reform and demilitarization.