Komen says that the organization protects its trademarks as a matter of financial stewardship and that they want to prevent confusion among donors.
He has risen through the ranks, survived criticism about his management style and financial stewardship, and seen the organization through many crises.
A host of gambling debts and poor financial stewardship had placed him in a position to be exploited.
"We have a well-deserved reputation for financial stewardship," he said.
A little fear would help to improve the quality of financial stewardship.
For 27 years, Jerry brought keen financial stewardship, trusted intelligence, and unfailing good humor to bear on all Garden affairs.
"His message of fiscal conservatism plays well with evangelicals who believe strongly in the principles of financial stewardship," she said.
Many Christians practice the spiritual discipline of intentional financial stewardship, giving to churches or other ministries.
Without resorting to cynicism, I'm fairly confident that most for-profit organizations would choose the lowest bidder as a function of good financial stewardship.
Green said he wanted to be involved in ORU because his family "felt like financial stewardship needed to be shored up."