In addition to a $205,000 payment, Herman got an ownership stake in the deal, which is now listed on her financial-disclosure forms as being worth between $500,000 and $1 million.
At the trial, Mr. Krantz elicited testimony that many people have trouble with the financial-disclosure forms.
Also exempts employees making up to $50,396 from having to file financial-disclosure forms.
Candidates should be given 30 days to complete the financial-disclosure forms.
The financial-disclosure form that she filed with the Senate revealed that, in 2008, in a Florida casino, she had won $8,283 playing cards.
Mr. Stephanopoulos said the financial-disclosure forms, and the potential for conflicts, are to be reviewed by James Hamilton, who was appointed the transition's general counsel today.
They must file full financial-disclosure forms.
But in financial-disclosure forms in 1983, Mr. Dinkins listed the stock's value at $1 million.
In the meantime, Yabloko's Mr. Yavlinsky escaped any sanction from the commission although he failed to report $3,000 in income on a financial-disclosure form.
"Some of the members may have expressed a preference they not be required to fill out financial-disclosure forms," he said.