I want to make clear that I'll never carry out an order in future that I find abhorrent.
What you have to do is hold on to one fact about this guy that you find totally abhorrent.
It upheld a provision of the tax code that is generally found more abhorrent by commuters to New York.
As a matter of fact, there were several things about the other woman's personality that Sara found abhorrent.
And some worried about the long-term effects on the subjects, who often acted, under the pressures of the experimental paradigm, in ways they later found abhorrent.
"You're saying anyone with this magic is capable of doing anything, even something he finds abhorrent?"
That the faults you find abhorrent in yourself are even more horrifying when you see your son manifest them?
Putting yourself in the shoes of people who do things you find abhorrent may be the hardest moral exercise there is.
Such a plan would mean leaving listless birds to die on oil slicks and coated beaches, a notion that some people find abhorrent.
It is the second that I and many other veterans find abhorrent.