But because the book throws down a challenge to conventional thinking about space, it could certainly find a home at larger companies too.
Where could they find support but at companies that have a stake in arms and the men who use them?
Smokers may find different rates at different companies.
Another obstacle to unionizing white-collar workers is that they, more so than blue-collar workers, can find jobs at other companies if they are unhappy.
They tend to find jobs at Chinese companies or joint ventures.
Job seekers determined to get benefits are most likely to find them at large companies.
They also gathered design and manufacturing knowledge, although not to the extent we found at commercial companies.
Projects With Industries helps disabled adults to find work at companies that otherwise might be reluctant to hire employees with special needs.
Twenty friends found engineering jobs at different companies on the Island, he said.
Yet while these people found promising work at multinational companies that were establishing themselves in Brazil, other changes were creating new legions of jobless people.