And he will appoint federal judges whom the right finds congenial.
An informed choice once made, the individual might pursue whatever specialized branch of knowledge he found congenial.
But that very fact has placed something on the market which I'm sure you'll find most congenial.
He would also suggest that the president relax his opposition to a bill the Republicans found congenial to their aims.
The other, with fewer choices, relies on pictures that a young child might find more congenial.
The worst thing to do would be to get involved with a person or subject or school that you don't find congenial.
Now the Bush damage control apparatus went into that mode it finds so congenial: lying.
He had no intention of changing an arrangement he found so congenial.
However, my philosophy is not what the governor of Rhodes found congenial.
It remains an orientation that Britons not only find congenial but also take as the source of a certain pride.