As the snow melts and people return to the hills, they will find dead deer.
Other teams found other deer, a moose and half a dozen dead dogs.
Now they are finding deer with twins and triplets.
Up to the 19th century, a single hound or a brace was used on deer-parks, to find deer for the gun.
While using binoculars to try to find deer, they came across another hole in the mountain, in between the other two caves.
One rarely encounters another hunter on the Grant, and to some that's just as important as finding deer.
I found deer that had bleeding, open wounds; almost no hair, living in darkness.
I hunted for two days and couldn't find a deer, nor anything else but wild onions.
Sell every man his life as dear as mine, And they shall find dear deer of us, my friends.
Hunters can find moose, deer, bear and geese.