Others cited the ennui of the soulless suburb, an effort to find meaning, or at least diversion, in a place that offered neither.
Others told of finding diversion from the hours of boredom by putting two scorpions in a box and watching them duke it out.
Students find diversion in clubs sponsored by the MSM and in university-wide intramural sports.
Better Louie find diversion in the arms of simple country girls than the cunning ladies of the court.
Our Aurora miners would have been less than human, or more, if they had not found diversion now and then in the happy harbors of sin.
Always fan of science fiction, at college he found new diversion in comic books.
The girls find diversion with attractive young men at the ranch and in the community, and are already skilled with horses and western life.
Edridge found diversion in his painting, a pastime he seemed to have discovered for himself.
Chevy Chase said he found diversion in honing a skill during years of automobile combat with his brother Ned.