Do you find more like-minded folks on the right?
I'm certain there's a hive of legal activity, maybe bankruptcy or municipal court, where he finds folks who need lawyers.
I can find folks around here to do it.
We're only one ship, so we don't really want to find folks with all kinds of civilization to back them up.
Naturalists at many other nature centers around the Chicago area will be happy to help, and I am sure you can find similar folks around the country.
I went to a number of women's groups and said, 'Can you help us find folks?'
Got to find folks who will.
You'll find folks bellying up to the counter, sipping grog and confronting their own middle ages.
I went to a number of women's groups and said: 'Can you help us find folks,' and they brought us whole binders full of women.
So Judge Block asked the prosecution to find some more "nonwhite folks" in the courthouse for balance.