He has also found himself in an unwanted relationship with Tina.
The song discusses how a woman finds herself in a confusing relationship with a man.
About 1978, Tom found himself again in a relationship with Barbara.
More than once she had found herself in a long-term relationship with a guy she cared for.
A 32-year-old woman can find herself accidentally in a relationship with a 17-year-old child who looks like an adult and lies to her.
Ragab returns three years later to find her in a relationship with someone else.
He finds himself in an odd relationship with the 18-year-old daughter of a former classmate.
It's not to say that people can't be happy or find bliss in a relationship.
Yet practitioners of the two spiritual imports find themselves in an awkward relationship.
Three years into her recovery, she found herself in a physically abusive relationship with a man.