It was too pat, a tired cliche that probably could still be found in action anywhere outside official Washington.
The challenge to find the right balance in affirmative action is daunting.
Both groups found resonance with his themes of personal freedom in both thought and action.
Instead of trying to find modern lawbreakers in action, take a walking tour that focuses on historically crime-ridden neighborhoods.
Critics say the absurdity of the film is found in the dialogue rather than on-screen action.
During the day, Tuesday through Saturday you can find the horse races in action.
Haven t got many videos of my new york acoustic band, but found this great clip of us in action.
Immediately she found herself in action.
On November 25, the Thomson found herself in action, this time against enemy aircraft.
He returned to his room at a quarter after five or a minute or two later and, I suspect, found a burglar in action.