McLanahan looked up from his beer to find a pretty young brunette in civilian clothes seated next to him.
They found two soldiers in civilian clothes in it and a Thompson sub-machine gun.
In a lady's dressing room in a large St. Germain house, she found a fortune in lavish clothes to fit her new and fuller form.
He spun round and was astonished to find a little, round, soft-looking person in civilian clothes who smiled at him.
And it is so hard to find novelty in exotic clothes.
You'll also find the color red in Mattie's lips, cheeks, and clothes.
It is found in clothes, most polyamide that is produced is used for synthetic fibres in clothing.
Producer Frank Marshall recalled, "when filming the bug scenes, crew members would go home and find bugs in their hair, clothes and shoes."
He was found, in civilian clothes, resting in his home in the Charlottenburg district, which the Russians were about to overrun.
Rayon can be found in inexpensive clothes, but it is no longer a cheap fabric.