For the truly oppressed are to be found in Islamic nations.
An estimated 10% of Bangladeshi men are in polygamous marriage; much lower than the average rate found in other nations that permit polygamy.
Administration officials say they have found interest in several nations, including Saudi Arabia and India, but no commitments.
Smoke exhaust ducting systems for land-based use are found in most industrialized nations.
Commercial farming is most commonly found in advanced industrialized nations.
Irregulars - a weak unit, only found in uncivilized nations.
"The bill invokes the very kind of trade policy we find so offensive in other nations," Mr. Rostenkowski said.
Circulating commemoratives are found in the third World as well as in western nations.
Yet Singaporeans have never been offered the sorts of freedoms found in equally developed nations.
Shanty towns are mostly found in developing nations, or partially developed nations with an unequal distribution of wealth.