They may be of many sizes, but are most often found in sizes similar to large handbags.
Crystals of many rare species are only found in microscopic sizes.
Using a stock bay window, which can be found in various styles and sizes, is even less expensive.
Tangerines have been found in many shapes and sizes, from the size of a small walnut, to larger than an average orange.
Men have always been able to find shoes in large sizes.
They found other hatches, in sizes varying from about two meters across up to twenty or more, all the same color as the surrounding rock.
Modern bridges are often made of plastic and they can be found in both small and large sizes.
They can be commonly found in sizes from inch to 1 inches (3-40 mm) and sometimes even larger models.
As for daggers, they were found in all shapes and sizes.
You'll find these in various sizes and with different decoration.