Eagerness blended with sadness, for no reality-not even some god wonder of the Galactics-could compare with the fanciful images found in pre-contact tales.
The very possibility that Arilyn might command the lythari gave them hope and awoke in them the strength that could be found only in ancient tales and traditions.
The idea of having jewels fall from a virtuous person is a motif found in various other tales, as in the Italian Biancabella and the Snake.
The motif of crippling the hero is found in various other tales, such as True and Untrue and The Prince and the Princess in the Forest.
Still I suppose you need to find time in a crowded curriculum for Latin and narrative tales of derring- do from the British Empire!
Thab called this being a *gorka*, and I found in tales concerning the creature an analogy to the dwarfish metalworkers of the ancient Germanic myths of my own world.
His most singular gift: the ability to astonish his audiences and to find laughter in tales that, you know from the start, are not funny at all, at least in terms of conventional theater.
"Do you wish to believe I'm a woman who finds pleasure in hearing bedroom tales of others?"
It became apparent that Christian legends repeat the conceptions found in pre-Christian religious tales.
But the ability to truly disappear is still only found in tales spun by writers and filmmakers, as cloaking has remained the stuff of fantasy and science fiction.