The police arrived to find neighbors trying to stop the bleeding by pressing a cloth to the boy's wound, Sergeant Wood said.
Stephanie often finds former classmates and neighbors still living in the Burg, only a few streets away from their childhood home.
You could buy a more expensive house, but you couldn't find better neighbors.
She would wake up and find neighbors gone because they had been deported.
But I'm hoping we can find neighbors it'll like a little better.
Where can you go to find neighbors like that?
You can look all over the world but you won't find neighbors as kind and thoughtful as the people in Bullet Park.
It is not uncommon to find neighbors having coffee and cigarettes for many hours.
In moving to the Web, Pangea will find neighbors with some similar-sounding offerings.
"We found good neighbors in other parts of the community who wanted to be involved as well, and we welcome anyone's help."