They were crewmen from the waiting space ships, mostly, finding relaxation in primitive sport.
And even though it can get a little crazy, we have managed to find relaxation on some of Thailand's most beautiful beaches.
The professor kept his promise and Fred found real relaxation in listening to the tinkly tunes.
Near the state capital Linz you can find relaxation and impressive nature.
But man is so made that he can only find relaxation from one kind of labour by taking up another.
I started to find great relaxation in playing with mathematical problems and puzzles.
She has never been married, except to her work, and finds relaxation in hiking, biking and reading.
Battle magi, in particular, must learn to find peace and relaxation under circumstances that are far from peaceful or relaxing.
"I find relaxation in this," Hobart said with a wave to include the entire exercise suite.
He was repeatedly held up by his illness, and continued to find relaxation and interest in the study of plants.