The eye supposedly cannot resist finding resemblances that accord with illusion.
At first I thought it was just your voice, but now I seem to find facial resemblances to someone I've met somewhere.
It has resemblances to specimens of Aarabia, found in Morocco.
This theory has often been a source of amusement to me; and many an idle hour have I spent, exercising my ingenuity in finding resemblances.
But I haven't yet looked to see if I find noticeable resemblances or trends there.
"You don't have to go that far afield to find resemblances," Zelandoni said.
Mother Love 93 cult to find resemblances between a dead person and anyone living.
"We sometimes find strange resemblances in utter strangers."
She delighted in finding resemblances between father and son.
One may find resemblances to the constitutions and, as it were, patterns of them even in households.