His audience finds succor in his warm, dramatic songs, which reflect his leftist politics and liberal Christian faith.
Will the Iraqi leader now be more impressed by the general agreement underlined by the communique, or will he find succor in the stated differences?
Millions of elderly people found succor through the 1965 Medicare amendment to the Social Security Act.
The Supreme Court found succor in a Minnesota law that provides for something called "judicial bypass."
Even so, Mr. Willingham finds succor at his sewing machine.
If she had trouble finding meaning and succor in marriage, Ms. Taylor found real satisfaction in other parts of life.
Even if the rest of the world will not move to protect the innocents who live in the city, at least in death Sarajevans can find succor.
"It's where the alienated and outcast find succor," he said.
Romar obviously found succor in it.
Richard found succor in a local church and later became a Christian minister.