In the Netherlands, sanitation workers have found dead tortoises and turtles blocking sewage systems and appearing in water treatment plants.
But you won't find nothing but turtles in that mud.
We also found turtles among the coral rocks, and made excellent soup in our iron kettle.
Tonight, Chiodys and Devonet will find toads and turtles in their beds.
Snorkellers will find turtles by the shore, as well as schools of bat fish and giant trevallies and jacks.
"We put this in because we kept finding turtles, frogs and even the occasional black snake in the pool," she explained.
You can often find turtles and huge catfish in the eastern corner of the lake under the trees.
He said that people who find turtles, even ones that appear lifeless, should call (631) 369-9829.
A combined analysis of morphological and molecular data conducted by Lee (2001) found turtles to be anapsids (though a relationship with archosaurs couldn't be statistically rejected).
I imagine we'll find turtles much older than this as we intensify the search.