He was found unresponsive in the early morning five days after he was admitted.
Recently, a middle-aged man skiing at night was found semi-unconscious and unresponsive lying in the snow.
On December 8, 2011 an inmate was found unresponsive in his cell.
He was found unresponsive in his cell on March 15, 2007, having died of severe coronary artery disease.
On November 5, 2011, a 23-year-old woman was found unresponsive in one of the tents due to what was later confirmed as a drug overdose.
At the scene, Love was found unresponsive and was pronounced dead.
She e-mailed the mayor, who sent back the phone number for sanitation, an answer she found unresponsive.
In one, a child was found unresponsive after being inside the ball for a very brief period of time, and emergency medical treatment was sought.
He was found unresponsive on a terminal bench.
He was found unresponsive at a residence in suburban St. Louis and was later pronounced dead.