Wild canids are found on every continent, with the exception of Antarctica.
The next day all the dogs found their way home to the kennel, with the exception of Merriman.
All where found guilty with the exception of Hughes who pleaded guilty.
But I think I have not found them here, with the single exception of yourself.
The species is found throughout mainland Australia, with the exception of the arid centre and the western regions.
It is found in every cell in the human body, with the exception of red blood cells.
Cyphophthalmi are found on all continents, with the exception of Antarctica, where they probably also once lived.
Every member of the community has found that hook and ladder with the exception of yourself.
They are generally not found on oceanic islands, with the exception of the Seychelles.
Most of these can be found in other western countries as well, with the exception of jocks.