He had to find wolves for whom the hunt was still real.
Among animals living here, one can find various birds, deer, wild pigs, moles, foxes, wolves, snakes, various spiders and insects.
He reached out with his mind to find wolves, and found nothing.
The method was developed as a response to the fact that finding wolves on foot was almost always a pure luck scenario, due to the wolf's elusiveness.
How do people find wolves to hunt, and what kind of equipment do you need?
Maybe he would find wolves tomorrow.
He explained his need to find wolves in the Two Rivers, or the mountains above, explained about the ravens, and the Trollocs in the Ways.
We've found dead wolves, even dead lynxes.
The wolf's senses (sight, smell, hearing) are used to locate prey and evade human hunters, as well as find other wolves and traps.
I agree that the possibility of finding wolves in this part of Maine is slight.