But both the finding and the movie demonstrate independently how advanced technology is opening up the sea's depths.
Gathercole's findings have demonstrated the link between working memory deficits in children and poor academic outcomes.
However, new findings have demonstrated more support of this second view when comparing the two ideas head-to-head.
This finding demonstrates a significant relationship between reward dependence and norepinephrine.
The local findings demonstrate the ancient history of this area.
Their overall findings demonstrate that children residing with stepparents have a higher risk of abuse even when other factors are considered.
These findings further demonstrate that the formation of male alliances is highly variable and context dependent.
The findings from this study demonstrate that there are learned associations between negative feelings and levels of epinephrine.
These dramatic findings demonstrate the importance of educating employees with the most up-to-date information.
These findings demonstrate the important role of lactoferrin in human host defense and especially in lung.