It was thought that there was no tuberculosis infection in North America before the arrival of Europeans but recent findings from the 80's and 90's have overturned that idea.
Paul Robbins, Miller's lawyer in the case, said his client planned to file an appeal motion to have the jury's findings overturned.
Dr. Walker and Mr. Leakey recognized that this finding would overturn most current versions of the hominid family tree.
He says he thinks these findings don't overturn the hypothesis but suggest instead that academic finance needs a better model for measuring risk.
Dr. Zeger and Mr. Greenbaum stressed that the new findings did not overturn the basic link between soot and illness.
He was of the impression that his findings could overturn the Act.
In an interview, Dr. Hartmann said the finding overturned what had been the conventional view for decades.
"Our findings completely overturn the modern view of the origins of the English."
The finding overturns the 20-year-old understanding that the most commonly used pain remedy works only at the place of injury rather than through the central nervous system.
The finding, based on DNA samples, overturns a long-held prevailing theory of the animals' origins: that they were descended from domesticated elephants that reverted to the wild.