But don't expect to find the concentration of a fine Bordeaux or California wine in the older vintages.
They are betting that these wines will age like fine Bordeaux.
The cellar contained more than 1,000 cases of wine, mostly fine Bordeaux from vintages dating to the 1950's.
But even fine Bordeaux and Burgundies, if they are to be consumed within three or four years of their purchase, need no special treatment.
They were discussing a Beretta semiautomatic, not a fine Bordeaux.
Its solemnity is better left to fine Bordeaux.
The opening bid of $250 is not unreasonable for many fine Bordeaux, and many are far more expensive.
As years go, 1996 has not exactly been what, say, 1961 was for a fine Bordeaux.
He ordered a bottle of a fine Bordeaux and sat down.
And then there are the evergreens - wine books that age like fine Bordeaux.