There is deliberate simplicity about these trades; for instance, all people wear the same types of simple clothes and there are no dressmakers making fine apparel.
Sanga suspected that Belisarius would combine part of the merchant's relatively fine apparel with pieces of the servants' more humble clothing.
"It is the privilege of great men to wear fine apparel and eat good food, "he said.
To see fine apparel, but out of date, foretells that you will have fortune, but you will scorn progressive ideas.
No dye lot yarn is suitable for practice and some projects, but not to create fine apparel.
When the women saw the fine apparel Sana donned they were amazed all over again, for she became even more beautiful.
The real princess, in her much less fine apparel, seemed a bit stunned.
She was wearing very fine apparel, but-another of the girl's subtle touches-had no escort at all.
After Forest had taken over, all their fine apparel had been removed and replaced with ill-fitting second-hand garments.
In his finest apparel he was the very life and soul of the ball, and these people forgot for a while the desolation into which war was turning their country.