Their talent exceeds that of the finest artisans in the Empire.
The Rotterdam was the last great Dutch "ship of state", employing the finest artisans from the Netherlands in her construction and fitting out process.
"A very fine artisan made this."
In my view, as works of art, some of the finest artisans in arms and armour are an equal match for any artists in any other fields.
But the Flute is Blue Adept 109 special; it required many years labor by our finest artisans, and is our most precious and potent device.
The finest artisans have always used gold in sheets as heavy as was necessary for the object.
The heavy gold was intricately carved, the work of Sersa-Omail's finest artisans.
His family's home there and their summer home in Maine were filled with antiques, instilling in him a passion for the work of fine artisans.
You'll also find exquisite hand-turned bowls of Hawaiian hardwoods, art jewelry and blown glass by some of Hawaii's finest artisans.
The cape was white, but so soft and well-woven that it was either magically created or the work of a fine artisan.