The town boasted a Victorian pleasure pier, with fine attractions, including a pavilion and miniature steam railway running up and down it.
His special interests are reflected in the garden's finest attractions and in both scientifically and aesthetically well-designed species selection.
From world-class museums, to great views and bustling markets, Paul Wade selects Toronto finest attractions.
Some consider the resulting esplanade and pond embankment one of Izhevsk finest attractions.
My finest attractions: hypnotism, fortune-telling, sleight of hand.
She felt a rapport, and she felt an attraction so fine that it felt as if they were joined by an invisible string.
Culebra's finest attractions are first and foremost of the natural kind.
And a cassowary's wing-bone through the nose of a handsome young fellow was a fine attraction for the girls once upon a time!
It's one of Antigua's finest attractions, and it's easy to spend an afternoon wandering around the restored buildings, which are mostly now restaurants and shops.
The park's finest attractions, however, begin after dark.