A fine boxer and a skilled counter-puncher, Mepranum is considered one of the Philippines' best kept secrets.
He was also a fine boxer and very nearly a Golden Gloves champion.
About a year ago, Mosley was considered by many boxing experts to be the finest boxer, pound for pound.
He linked up with all the best trainers and managers in Australia, including Jeff Fenech, to put Australia's finest boxers on his promotion fight cards.
A fine boxer, Navarrete had a good talent and was known for his hard-hitting punches.
Foster will oppose a defending Pan Am champion, Candelario Duvergel of Cuba, who is considered the finest technical boxer on his team, in the 139-pound championship match.
Considered by many Dominican boxing fans to be one of the finest boxers ever born in that country, Cruz was world Lightweight champion from 1968 to 1970.
He became quite a good sportsman, rode straight to hounds, was a fine boxer and fencer.
One of Denmark's finest boxers.
"My money is on the old one, but the other is the finer boxer."