My Lord is most astute to locate the finest brew in the company so early.
His host, however, smacked his lips and rolled his eyes as if this were the finest brew in the world.
When supping these fine brews.
"But being you're yourself again and not grunting like a boar, I'll have a nice tankard of your finest brew."
Taking a sip, he recognized a fine brew, similar to one he preferred on the Enterprise, and with that he gave his hostess a quizzical look.
"Uncle Sean makes the finest brew in all of Eire."
Another fine brew was the soup of the day, a smooth tomato-curry puree with garlic croutons and nubbins of chicken.
Expect to pay Rs80 to Rs150 per 100g for a decent tea and up to Rs1400 per 100g for the finest brews.
And this proved to be a fine brew with a strong malt flavor.
You'll have to content yourself with hamburgers and Chinook beer, a fine Alaskan brew.