He threw his head back and laughed aloud, the red glow dancing on his fine cheekbones.
The skin was smooth and taut over the fine cheekbones.
Only when he studied her fine cheekbones and slim figure did he see that she might once have been a beautiful woman.
In profile he could see even more clearly the resemblance to Amaziga, the fine high cheekbones, the pure sleek brow.
Sansa had gotten their mother's fine high cheekbones and the thick auburn hair of the Tullys.
This delicate face, with the fine cheekbones and full, kissable mouth .
He flushed slightly, the color rising over his damnably fine cheekbones, although that might have been the heat.
Though veined with tiny violet capillaries, the fine high cheekbones were still apparent.
She noted he had fine cheekbones, notwithstanding the coarseness of his life.