On leave or in action the characters behave with a fine disregard for the laws of probability.
That wasn't anger driving, it was just recklessness; the one driving had a fine disregard for the safety of anyone or anything else.
I was also beginning to realize that the plague had struck with a fine disregard for rank, health, age, and usefulness.
It is possible to be one's own audience and admire one's own fine disregard of danger.
The ship's new chief medical officer showed a fine disregard for punctuality.
Suzannah spoke sharply, with a fine disregard for grammar.
That seemed to be the general consensus, and the women stumbled off, crashing through the trees with fine disregard for either environmental preservation or personal safety.
We reached the car, piled in over the doors with fine disregard for the paintwork.
But Hunter Brown had a fine disregard for what anyone said.
Like generals throughout history, they display a fine disregard for their troops, in this case their wives and children.