And there is also his attention to qualities of light reflected on water, as Mark Ormond's fine essay in the exhibition catalog suggests.
I just want to compliment Jill Lepore on such a fine essay about life, death, and politics.
From leading matadors he took as much as 10 percent of their earnings for especially fine essays.
In his old age he continued to write essays which are considered among the finest essays in contemporary China.
While nothing about these photographs breaks new artistic ground, it is impossible not to feel a sense of appreciation for the fine visual essay.
Oh, it's a fine essay," said Rinkitink, "and beautifully written with a goosequill.
Yet out of this muck, a few fine essays have emerged.
Many of the examples in this fine essay on what has come to be known as the economics of public choice involve labor unions.
Even that fine essay of de Quincy on the subject fails to approach the truth.
Both were fine first essays at a taxing role.