Much of its 18th-century glory was restored, including fine frescoes that had long been hidden by plaster.
Rooms 14-16 on the second floor display the finest remaining frescoes found throughout the Minoan kingdoms dating from 1600-1400.
The present Mahant was indifferent to the preservation of these fine frescoes, very important for art historians.
Inside, the palazzo was originally decorated with numerous fine frescoes, but many of these did not survive the war years.
The work has brought to life a number of fine frescoes which were concealed beneath a thick layer of plaster.
At one time there were fine frescoes inside by pupils of Giotto, but even these have gone.
The arcades are supported by 252 gilded and carved columns adorned with fine frescoes.
This space may have been a triclinium, and is decorated with very fine frescoes.
The hermitage housed many fine Romanesque frescoes from about 1125; most of these have been removed, but some have remained.
They decorated their buildings with some of the finest frescoes ever painted in the Orthodox world.