We think he will continue to improve, and be a fine hitter.
After all, Mookie Wilson is only a great outfielder and a fine hitter who always puts the team before himself.
Both are fine hitters with serious obstacles to more times at bat.
He was also a fine hitter and often played the outfield.
Nixon was a fine hitter for a pitcher, posting a .242 career batting average.
Paul developed into one of the finest hitters in National League history.
Generally acknowledged as one of the top defensive players ever at his position, he was also a fine hitter.
He was one of the finest hitters of the dead-ball era.
Gradually, he transformed himself into a serviceable catcher and one of the finest right-handed hitters in the game.
Without even bringing steroids into the discussion, it is no surprise that some already fine hitters performed even better after the early 1990s.