Lessa said for they had been just about to sit down to a fine late lunch.
'It was a very fine lunch, to my mind.'
A fine lunch, in Hilo, came to $37, including two glasses of wine.
"A fine lunch," Yeamon said, tossing them into a bucket beside the door.
"I thank you for a fine lunch, minstrel," he said.
Judicious choosing can provide a fine take-out lunch or light supper.
Joan had a fine lunch ready for them - ham and salad and new potatoes piled high in a big dish.
"A lot of our satisfaction here comes from knowing that this is the finest lunch we can buy in New York," he said.
A steaming bowl of mussels with mustard sauce makes a fine lunch entree.
Soulé served them a fine lunch accompanied by an excellent white Bordeaux.