Telmon was the natural leader of the two, five years older, tall and solemn and patient and endlessly inquisitive, with a fine black pelt shot through with chestnut highlights.
My rather fine pelt of quarter-inch black fur that laid so flat I looked like a mink didn't help.
Small, eyeless rodents with fine pelts gnawed mindlessly at the asphalt surface, extruding black pellets that were swarmed over by not-ants the size of grasshoppers.
His hand, unwilled, rose to stroke the fine pelt of her hair.
"A fine pelt," she said softly.
Wolf's bare legs and arms weren't really bare; they were downed with a fine pelt of hair.
I shall see to it that you grow a fine pelt over your nakedness.
F'lessan re-membered Tai's fine pelts.
Here, from behind a cluttered metal table, the Harf family - in the fur trade for three generations - buys and sells fine pelts to New York City furriers.
Yana stroked his fine pelt in appreciation.