I would like to go on to talk about what happened after the programme and the fine poem that was produced there.
I shall only add the pathetic and animated conclusion of this fine poem.
The new book also contains one of Olds's finest poems about this figure.
A fine poem that I don't recall ever reading, so thank you for incuding it here.
It was possibly a very fine poem, but at that moment a young woman came in.
But a short book of very fine poems is what Hall, over the course of his career, has made.
Another said that it was "moving reversal of history" and a "fine poem".
It forms part of the language from which Vaughan fashioned a very fine poem.
It depends on the mood of the man, whether he shall see the sunset or the fine poem.
Like all fine poems, songs and paintings, it's a love letter to the world that deserves to be remembered for a good long time.