A small restaurant serving fine seafood and sushi dishes.
Hands down, this is Seward's culinary high point, with attentive service, picture-postcard views and the finest seafood above water.
Those dank mussels ruined fresh capellini with other seemingly fine seafood.
Local ingredients naturally include some very fine seafood - lobster, of course.
The market, right, which is in the front of the restaurant, is stocked with the same fine seafood that Coast uses (some seasoned and ready to cook).
Ted Habiger's seasonal new American cooking naturally emphasizes local produce and meats with attention to fine seafood.
While the city does have a lovely historic harbor and fine local seafood, that's not what draws him.
Shrimp from South Carolina are as big and as succulent as any found in the finest seafood restaurants.
And then an early dinner of Bellini's fine seafood, with some life-enhancing pickiness about the wine.
Home to Hotel Sheetal Samudra known for its fine seafood.