He is regarded as one of the finest Italian violinists and violin teachers of the 20th Century.
Halliwell goes on to note Leopold's view that mere technical instruction would not produce fine violinists.
Peinemann is considered one of the world's "finest violinists of her time."
Like Therese, he was musical and was a fine violinist and violist.
Mr. Dicterow is a fine violinist, so it was disappointing to hear the concerto sound routine.
James Buswell, a fine violinist, is offering a different view.
Turning to the day's list of solo and chamber recitals, two fine young violinists are giving programs this afternoon.
Heifetz is considered to be one of the finest violinists of all time.
He has been described as "the finest Russian violinist of the eighteenth century".
Although best known for his towering scientific achievements, Einstein was a fine amateur violinist and occasionally played in public.