The contents gives a quick look at the scope of fine architectural woodwork.
The interior is notable for its fine woodwork in a transitional style ranging from Georgian to Federal.
Dwarves have a deep craving for fine woodwork, but it's not something they're particularly skilled at producing.
The attractive white-harled parish church (built 1901-02), notable for its fine woodwork, is open in summer.
Because of their experience manufacturing store, bank, and church fixtures, the company's workers were prepared for the fine woodwork that distinguished the Kirk House.
The fine woodwork includes 15th century stalls, screen, and magnificent roofs.
It contains some fine woodwork and tapestries.
The interior features fine woodwork, a wide main stair, and an enormous fireplace in the main dining hall.
If fine architectural woodwork has elitist connotations, it is because it has always been, and remains, expensive.
He and his wife Rosa valued fine woodwork, and Georgian qualities.