They were children, two of them, their fine-boned features marking them clearly as D'Angeline.
She was lithe and delicate, with fine-boned features and a smooth complexion.
She was a tall woman with short gray hair and fine-boned, angular features, the small nose perhaps just a little too sharply chiselled.
She had fine-boned features, sparkling blue eyes, and an easy self- assurance that suited her looks.
But she was beautiful (small, fine-boned, exquisite features, great blue eyes, honey-gold hair), which he considered a moral virtue.
Grey is about five six, slight and good-looking, with fine-boned features.
There was a woman to his right with fine-boned features and dark, slightly graying hair.
Henry Gardeyne at twenty had possessed some fine-boned features, but not as delicate as these.
Those distinctive, fine-boned features didn't belong to David Pankhurst.
The man's fine-boned features and long, slender fingers completed the image of an aristocratic officer quite nicely.