In all, it was a wonderful way to open up ears still too finely focused from the Bach organ marathon in the Lincoln Center Festival.
Soon the picture was finely focused and it reflected plastically Good Hope VII in its full size.
LEPs are evoked by applying finely focused, rapidly rising heat to bare skin using a laser.
These tightly bunched, tiny holes were drilled using a finely focused high-power laser.
What this finely focused laser beam "sees" on the disk is a series of pits and flat surfaces called lands.
But they were also more finely focused and carefully detailed.
Last year our reviewer, Walter Reich, called this a "finely focused and stunningly powerful book."
"Life has become very finely focused," he said.
With a finely focused approach, the author devotes each chapter to a particular engine type, such as ramjet and pulsejet, turbojet, and turbofan.
To fix it locally, the part is finely focused and the peripheral area diffused, greyed and lost.