Finally, the older man's fingers blurred across the keyboard, until a separate set of symbols appeared below the lines Trystin had entered.
His fingers blurred as he rattled through a sequence and the fiery letters flew from the demon's pen.
The carefully drawn fingers of Sammy's left hand were blurring.
The stopping finger would have blurred the names below.
Arbok turned back to the keyboard and his fingers blurred.
A shadowy figure reached for him, blurred fingers closing around his arms.
The finger was blurring back down the drain, knuckle after knuckle, like a freight-train going into a tunnel.
Then her brow cleared and her fingers blurred on the comm as she sent back recognition codes that surely must be ten years obsolete.
His fingers blurred over his abacus again.
His fingers blurred into solid mittens, then separated again as he concentrated.