They also had several family members provide an alibi for Webb and were successful in having the fingerprint evidence thrown out.
Police determined through fingerprint evidence that the perpetrator was the same individual who committed the 1984 murders.
The limits of fingerprint evidence have been much in the news.
It is the first time that fingerprint evidence is used to get a conviction for murder.
The men's lawyers had asked that the fingerprint evidence be declared inadmissible.
In general, officials said, investigators would use fabricated fingerprint evidence to build cases against people who had already been identified as suspects.
The prosecution admits it has no fingerprint evidence linking the defendants to the attack.
The premise behind fingerprint evidence is simple: each individual has unique ridges on his or her fingers.
Jennings would become the first American to be executed based primarily on fingerprint evidence.
Both brothers continue to protest their innocence, and questions have been raised about the fingerprint evidence.