Moreover, every finite collection of those random variables has a multivariate normal distribution.
If an i-dimensional and an (n i)-dimensional cycle are in general position, then their intersection is a finite collection of points.
Sets are finite unordered collections in which duplication between values is suppressed.
Let Γ be a finite collection of formulas, considered as hypotheses.
A finite collection of stars will fall together, and according to Newton's law, adding more stars outside the region will not stop the collapse.
For various reasons it is however useful to not make such an exception, and define the sum of any finite collection of values.
However, if we consider a locally finite collection of closed sets, the union is closed.
The metric is determined by the choice of a finite collection of points in hyperbolic 3-space.
For any finite collection of disjoint subsets and conditioned on we have that are independent.
A 0-dimensional integral current space is a finite collection of points with integer valued weights.