It fired a wild actinic jet of its own.
It opened its mouth and fired a jet of hot steam at Bink's face.
The dragon shook off the last of the nuisance plants and fired a jet of steam.
The lipstick holder which fired a jet of tear-gas no longer held the capsule of gas.
He looped around, men closed his eyes, oriented by memory, and fired a jet.
The ship rolled, the smuggler fired a jet, and she stabilized.
Two followed the same path, fired a jet before it reached the Schwarzschild radius, and shot away at just less than lightspeed.
He dipped his intrunk in the water, and fired a jet from his outrunk.
Stanley fired a jet of steam back in its direction, but with no effect.
After a moment, the dragon fired a jet of flame, but the perspective confused it and the jet missed.