The fires have charred more than 900 square miles in the West, and at least 19,000 people are involved in fighting them.
On February 8, 1910, after the function in Carnival Tuesday, a fire completely charred the building, leaving the city without a theater again.
The fire charred much of the building and destroyed its roof.
During renovations a fire charred beam was found, strong enough to have been retained.
The fire yesterday devoured and charred the second floor, but the other floors - though soaked with water - were intact.
The fire destroyed the inside of the house and charred much of the outside.
By yesterday the fire had charred 3,600 acres and was only 10 percent contained.
Since June, fire has charred over 651,000 of the 2.2 million acres of Yellowstone, the oldest national park and one of the most popular.
They were all dead, no doubt about it, although the fire had charred them unevenly.
In 1791 a great fire broke out and charred the entire building.