Several shots were fired, apparently from a single weapon, and one struck Ms. Acevedo in the left side of her chest, the police said.
Sir Peter, 66, was hit by nine bullets fired from an automatic weapon through the French windows.
A bullet fired from close range and a poor shot from a bad weapon both create a mushy, splintered hole.
He said the shots were "most likely" fired from an automatic or semiautomatic weapon.
He was able to fire a hazardous water-like substance on the Rangers from a hose-like weapon.
He heard the roar of two shots being fired from a nonsilenced weapon somewhere behind him, and he prayed it was Claudia.
This meant they could be fired at extremely high rates of fire, from a very lightweight weapon.
The shots had been fired from a suppressed weapon, most likely from a building or rooftop across the street.
A cloaked rider directly below him fired three bursts from a silenced weapon.
The hijackers stormed up the stairways into the plane, fired shots from an automatic weapon, and seized control of the aircraft.